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Sundays @ 9:30 am, 11:15 am

Kids Life Water Baptism

To ensure that water baptism is a meaningful declaration of faith by your child, we’ve put together a few questions for you to talk through. Please do this before signing them up to make sure they are ready to take this step. We love that we get to partner with you to see your child become who God has called them to be!

The Kids Life Team

Questions to Ask Your Child

As you discern if your child is ready to be water baptized, here are some questions to ask them. After each question, you will see some sample answers that would indicate that your child understands.

If your child confidently answers these questions, they are likely ready to be baptized. Take a moment to offer a prayer of gratitude for their decision to accept Christ and to be baptized. If you don’t feel your child understands what it means to be baptized just yet, it’s perfectly acceptable to wait. Use this opportunity to let your child observe water baptisms and talk to them about what it means.

Jesus is God’s one and only son. He lived his whole life on earth, just like us. He was fully man and fully God.

Jesus died on the cross but came back to life. Because He did, we can spend forever in heaven one day.

Find out if your child has a memory of when they understood what Jesus did for them and that they needed Jesus in their life. It may have been at church, at home or even a time when they were alone.

It’s when we follow Jesus’ example of being submerged in water in front of others. Baptism means showing that I believe in Jesus and I want to follow Him.

I want to show everyone that I love Jesus and have decided to follow him with my whole heart.


Jesus was baptized and he tells us to be baptized. It shows others what Jesus has done on the inside of us.

When I go into the water, it shows that my old life is gone. When I come up out of the water, it shows that I’m starting a new life with Jesus.

Yes, I know that when I get baptized that I’m telling everyone that I belong to Jesus now.

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